Thursday, April 5, 2012

Emma at Three Months

Alright, so Emma was three months old exactly a week ago.
Mom fail.
Also, all of her white onesies were in the wash due to ... well, due to poop.
So this is what she was wearing.
Don't worry, Emma's leg rolls to be prominently featured soon.

We went to the Dr. for Emma's two-month checkup the day after I posted about Emma's two-month mark. At that point, she was just about exactly 11 pounds, and 24 inches long. 

We were told that she's in the fiftieth percentile for her weight (okay). She's in the twenty-fifth percentile for her head size (awwww... you little pinhead). And she's in the ninetieth percentile for her length (whaaaa....?). Neither Eric nor I are what you would call tall, so we're wondering how that happened. 

I'm sure she won't be in the ninetieth percentile for height for very long, but right now, with her little head and her long body, she's proportionally more like an adult than your typical baby with a squat body and little head. Or, as Bess put it, "she's like an avatar baby!" To which Eric responded, "My baby is not blue."

get over here, you bear, you

Now, though, according to her rough at-home estimate....

birth weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce
three months: 12 pounds 6 ounces
birth length: 20 inches
three months:

Talents and Skills:
Emma has become so so social. She loves looking at people, especially new people. She'll play by herself for a little while, but really loves attention -- if you look down at her and smile, she responds with the biggest grin, one that squinches her eyes shut and sends her whole body into a wriggle of joy.

She is incredibly alert and curious. She can stare for hours at her environment, especially if she's outside. She is terrible at napping when we're not at home, but she doesn't get too fussy (except in the car) -- she forgets to nap when she has a new place and new people to look at.

Emma has started making all sorts of noises. She coos and gurgles, and will fix you with a look of intense concentration, then make noises for as long as you'll keep eye contact. She's really trying to communicate. Once she actually knows her words, I doubt she'll ever be quiet.

She's started figuring out how to use her hands, and will feel things and bring them to her mouth. Her hands -- those are her favorite toys. She still sucks on her whole fist, and she can almost get her entire hand in her mouth.

Emma's a champ at holding up her head, even if it gets a bit wobbly after a few minutes.

She is so active. She wants to be constantly talked to and showed things. She loves being outside, and she loves being held, but now she's started to enjoy lying on her back on the couch, where she can stare up at people and kick kick kick.

She can roll from her front to her back, and she's wriggly enough that I'm expecting her to figure out how to roll from her front to her back any day now. Though she really likes being on her back, so it will probably be something of a shocking accident, likely resulting in some trauma.

More of the same from last month...
People. Especially Eric, and increasingly, Mom.
Being outside.
Her binky.
Diaper changes.
Looking at her feet.
Animal sounds. Or any silly sounds, really. Like the word "silly."
Playing airplane.
Sucking on her burp cloth.
Her evening nap, which is only 30 minutes, and usually on Mom or Dad.

Being alone.
Feeling bored.
Not being able to get things into her mouth when she wants them there.

Like when she figures out that the cloth on her knees should probably be in her mouth.


  1. She is precious and seriously, sounds like the most 'laid back' baby I've ever heard of.

    Sounds a lot like her mommy!

  2. She is SO sweet! I hope I get to see her when I come home in May from school in TN. She is beautiful, Wendy! ahh! I bet she get's her height from me ;) I never was able to figure out where I got mine dad is tall, but not that tall. I've always been in the 98th percentile for height for ppl my age...yeah, she's lucky she only at 19th percentile. It'll make junior high a lot easier =)
