Friday, July 13, 2012

Emma at Six Months

We've given up hoping that I'll get these out on time, haven't we? We have.
And so.


birth weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce
six months: 17 pounds 2 ounces
birth length: 20 inches
seven months:

Talents and Skills:

Being loud.

Moving. Still no crawling, but she gets where she wants to go, and fast. She rolls and pivots and stretches and kicks and she's all over.

Sitting... um. She can, but she totally lacks motivation. Unless someone has their hand on her, even if she's barely being supported, sitting usually turns into faceplanting. Luckily this doesn't seem to phase her.

Banging on things. I don't believe this warrants much description.

Being clever. We've got a future stubborn smart-aleck on our hands. Emma's favorite things are Eric's glasses, my watch, and our phones. Not that these items are fun in themselves, but the fact that they are always on/with us makes them fascinating treasures. A good part of her day is spent trying to find and reach my phone. So, if, say, I'm holding her and my phone and balancing a toy for her, she'll take the toy, then promptly drop it, then gaze down at it. As soon as I bend over to pick it up, she grabs at the phone.
whaat? my baby's sneaky.

Not being shy. There's no guessing what Emma wants. She's surprisingly effective at communicating exactly what she's feeling, for a baby. (see above: being loud)

Having teeth. Two! and probably more on the way!

Trials, Troubles, Tribulations:

Um. Post on sleep pending.


People. Nearly every time we're out, we hear someone comment on how happy and/or smiley she is. She just genuinely loves being around people, seeing them, having them talk to her.
Being outside. A neighbor I've never met, but have seen often, called out, "Hello, Babywalker!" to me the other day. I guess we're outside often.
Being with both Eric and I at the same time. Nothing gets her more excited. Or eager to show off.
Dropping something, then picking it back up.
Being naked.
Grabbing faces. And hair.
Whatever anyone else has. She's figured out that other babies' toys are probably better than hers, by virtue of being somebody else's. She also wants whatever Eric or I have. The other day, I gave her a piece of frozen mango to suck on. She wasn't interested, and kept throwing it away and making faces. So I picked it up and sucked on it for a second and she almost fell over herself trying to take it from me. Then she sucked on it for over half an hour.


Being tired.
Being hungry.
Having clothes put on her. (See above: likes being naked.)
Not being given something she wants.
Being ignored.


  1. So, so cute. Also I want to hear your post on sleeping! (Though with a newborn it may be a while before he likes to sleep...)
