Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lately: Tucson

So, last week I didn't finish posting every day. That's cause we took a trip to Tucson to visit Eric's family. They hadn't seen Emma since she was barely six weeks old:


So that was different.

It was a great time. Emma spent lots of time playing with her cousins, Katie and Ben.

Katie is two and a half, and Ben is exactly one month older than Emma... and a lot bigger.

Umm. Those two photos make it look pretty one-sided between Emma and Ben. Trust me, Ben wasn't a bully... she gave as good as she got. I think they like each other.

Katie is the perfect little mommy. She wanted to hold "my cousin baby Emma" as much as possible.

Grandma and Grandpa wanted to hold Emma as much as possible, too.

Grandma gave Emma her first dessert... naturally.

And she made Emma a super-cute new diaper cover. (She's amazing! Remember Emma's quilt?)

The weekend was relaxing and delightfully haphazard all at the same time.
It was wonderful.


  1. so cute! glad you had a nice visit!
    in the last picture, Emma looks like a mix between you and Kristen Taylor. wow!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed! I hope our heat didn't totally kill you. I suppose that depends on the days you were here. It was quite nice Monday-Wednesday... =)
