Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Emma at Seven Months


birth weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce
seven months: 16 pounds 4 ounces
birth length: 20 inches
seven months: 27.5 inches

Talents and Skills: 

Making all sorts of sounds. She babbles, she coos, she screeches, she goes mmm-mmmm-ummm-ahhh, she blows raspberries, she makes kissy noises... the list goes on.

She still rolls and scoots to get around, but she's started trying to push herself up onto her knees a bit. And planking. She attempts downward-facing dog, though she hasn't gotten far with that one. She will also (finally!) stand, if you hold her for balance. She pushes herself up to her tiptoes, which is pretty cute. Still not sitting by herself consistently. She's more than capable, but simply not interested in maintaining her balance.

She still bangs on things. She's realized that she can hit us to get our attention. Or, say, wake Eric up.

Exploring. Emma's realized that she can maneuver enough to get basically anywhere she wants. This has led to her investigating the fireplace, the bookshelves, and all the places we'd rather she not go.

Sharing. She'll pull her binky out of her mouth and try to shove it in ours, grinning hugely.

Sleeping! After almost three weeks of crying it out, Emma's sleep has finally improved. I might have the courage to post about it soon. I'm scared that if I share our progress, it will all go down the drain and Emma will never sleep again. I told a friend after Emma had slept well several nights in a row, and that very night, she cried for an hour and a half at 2am. So we'll see.

Being incredibly social. I've been babysitting a bit, and I'm always so worried about how Emma will do for four+ hours at someone else's house, with my attention not primarily on her. I'm always pleasantly surprised. She loves the girls I nannied for, she loves whoever is at their house, she loves people in general. Also being adored. In general.

Conniving. See here. She'll also smile and coo at us while reaching for something she knows she's not supposed to have. I'd say total girl here, but then I might be labeled sexist. 

Being content. While I'm sitting here, lusting after all sorts of baby clothes and shoes and toys that I'd love for Emma to have (and clothes and shoes and books that I'd love), she's happy just to roll around on the floor, banging on what she has, hitting me with it, blowing raspberries on my arm, and being talked and sung to. There's a lesson here, I know it.

Trials, Troubles, Tribulations

Emma likes to bite. I'll leave it at that.


Mostly the same as last month. People, being outside, nudity, peekaboo, dropping things. You know, baby things.

When I wear jewelry. Shiny things on mom! It's the only thing, short of Emma being asleep, that makes cuddling with her easy or possible.

The tags on her toys. I have a theory about this. Stay tuned.

Licking the floor. She'll try different parts of the wood floor, and whatever rugs she can find. I'm sure they have different flavors.

Eric. When Eric comes home from work at the end of the day, she'll fuss if I don't hand her over to him. I've been with mom all day. Seriously. Need some dad. She'll get way more excited and wiggly when he's around.

Cherries. This is the only food we've given her that she can't get enough of. She cries between bites. Need more, NOW. Faster faster faster with the bites, people.


  1. She is just so. pretty. And I love her little gold bangle bracelet. :)

  2. Wendy, it's been so long! I have to tell you that you and Eric seriously have an absolutely darling baby. Emma is gorgeous! Great job on making an incredibly beautiful little girl. :) How you can ever say no to those big baby blues with long, glorious lashes is beyond me.
