Friday, October 12, 2012

vote vote vote vote vote.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with the debates last night.
This is much more (completely so?) frivolous.

Eric and I are wildly excited to get our new iphones next month. He's already got his cover picked out. 
I, on the other hand, will probably drop and break my phone before I can decide on a cover for it.
Help me out. Please.

Now. I have my favorites. Naturally. But you know.

Photos are (supposed to be) links to the site/provider. 

Also, major points to anyone who can identify the literary reference on one of the cases. 
[Hint: the case with said allusion is titled "Always"]


  1. I like the three in the first picture or the giraffe. :)

  2. Puzzles or giraffe. I like the wood look of the puzzles and the giraffe looks like something out of Vogue.

  3. Giraffe or Chevron lines with TURQUOISE (ahem, the best color there ever was).

  4. ALSO. Points to anyone who can identify the literary reference on one of the covers. Bam.

    1. My guess would be the deer patronis?? Yes, yes, Lily Potter??

    2. HAHA! Yes. Obvi. Of course you would know that. :)
