Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And That's Where I've Been. In a Store. MY Store.


Fancy seeing you here. I mean me here. 
Fancy being here.

You guys, I did not mean to take a two week hiatus there. In fact, here are a few titles of blog posts that I've got in the works:

Lately: Party and Birthdays
Emma Meets Egg (an update on solid food)
Emma at 10 Months
And That's the Last Book Signing We'll Ever Go To

Good stuff is coming up.

But here's what I've been up to (besides the usual stream of baby, husband, work, diapers, dusting, cooking, laundry, etc.).

You guys, remember how I promised an Exciting! Announcement! weeks and weeks ago?

Well, this isn't how I imagined it coming to the blog, but.

I have a SECOND JOB. 

(there's a link in the new "Etsy" page up there, ^ too)

It started around Mother's Day. I kinda wanted a necklace with Emma's name on it, but I didn't really want one of the popular "name necklaces." They're pretty, but I thought they seemed a bit to of-the-moment for me. 
I remembered seeing morse code necklaces somewhere. So I looked them up, and, well, that was too expensive.

And then I thought.
I used to make jewelry in high school. Nothing fancy, just beaded necklaces. So I looked up some stuff, and realized that I could make these morse code necklaces myself for not that much money.

And then I thought.
I bet other people want these, too.

So then I did.

And I planned to announce it on my blog shortly after I opened my store -- way back in August. But first I wanted to make a few sales, stock my store a bit more (you guys, I have SO many ideas).

And so I waited and worked.
And made a few sales.
And sold out of all the materials I had.
So I had to buy new materials to stock the store the way I wanted to.
But then more orders came in, and I had to use all the new materials to fill them.
And then I sold out of all those materials.
So I had to buy more materials.

And you see the way this is going, right?
This idea has taken off more than I thought it would. I mailed ten necklaces yesterday. After the four necklaces I mailed the day before. And I have two more orders I'm working on.

So I figured, I just gots to let my blog-people know. They're behind the times here, and the way this is going, I might not get the store stocked the way I actually want all at once. It will likely be a gradual thing, in between making other necklaces and working my tutoring job and, you know, being a wife and a mother and a human.

So there it is. My big secret's out.

And since, if you're still reading, you probably read this blog at least semi-regularly, here's an offer just for you: send me a message on etsy (it has to be etsy, not the comments of this blog -- though you can comment there, too) and let me know your favorite thing about this blog. I'll send you a coupon code you can use in my store. 

If you're interested.

And why not? The coupon won't expire. Who knows when you'll need a gift. Or want a necklace for yourself.

Just know... before I can make any more necklaces...
I have to order some more supplies.
Cause, man, I sold out.


  1. How exciting, Wendy! It is a brilliant idea. And I highly, highly approve of the brown paper and twine wrappings :-)

  2. What a great idea! Your necklaces are beautiful, and so original. Perfect for Christmas gifts!

  3. SO SO SO COOL. I am in awe of your entrepreneurial skills. Go Wendy.
