Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It may seem like we've been sleeping over here. 
Seeing as, you know, it's been ages since I've posted anything (how?!

Blogger told me a few months ago that I'd reached my photo limit, so I've been trying a few things out, and NOTHING'S WORKING probably because of this. But for some reason when I tried to test it out by adding a photo of Emma sleeping it let me do it. So I'm running with it. 

I don't know if blogger is going to give up and let me get back to normal, or if I'm going to have to spend a couple more hours that I don't have to try to figure out this problem (tips, anyone?). It's probably something really easy to fix, so forgive me for being technologically ignorant.

In other news, Thanksgiving. 
And Christmas.
And Emma's first birthday.
And 2013. 

Seems as though we have a bit to catch up on. 
So though it seems we've been off sleeping, for now I'll just admit that our family succumbed to the easy pitfall of too-busy-to-write-a-few-sentences, and I let this blog snooze away. And when I wasn't too busy to write a few sentences, I was probably snoozing away. Or trying to get Emma to snooze away, since a) it's hard to sleep when you're growing molars and b) I'm not ready for Emma to drop from two naps to one. 

But, you know, back again.


  1. "It's hard to sleep when you're growing molars." Ah... the things you don't learn in college. Also, that picture is darling.

  2. Baby James has just started taking naps. Also sleeping through the night. Also I no longer wake up engorged. Time is a beautiful thing.
